I am sure every now and then you declutter. I am also sure than as an expat living abroad you absolutely despise accumulating all those toys, clothes, small gifts you actually do treasure but can’t imagine moving to another country if the time comes to move. So just for you, I am sharing my 7 Tips on Decluttering Your Expat House.

Tip 1:

Go in categories: all toys, all adult clothes, all kids’ clothes, all clothes in storage etc It will be a huge pile. It will be messy but it will be easier to just be done with it.

Tip 2

Avoid doing little by little, day by day. Unfortunately, it almost never works. You need one whole day to finish as much as you can, because you won’t be getting back to it tomorrow.

Tip 3

Prepare enough bags for things that need to go. And for things that stay I suggest you divide them into 3-4 categories, e.g. Things That Are Being Used Now, Things that will Definitely be Moved Abroad but Not Always Used, Things That You Use Seasonally.

Tip 4

Try recalling what you use realistically on a daily basis. If there is something in your wardrobe you haven’t used for a year – it should probably go. Even if it is a new thing or something you put off due to weight gain/loss. If there is a tear and you haven’t fixed it in the last year or two – it should go. If these were gifts you haven’t found a place to display anywhere and they have been sitting in a storage forever – time to reevaluate their usefulness.

Tip 5

It is always helpful to have a specific place for specific things. And learn the art of folding – it is easy, fast and fun! Your kids will love it, too.

Tip 6

There is no need to wait until you have to suddenly move. Get on a local social network for expats and announce a sale/giveaway. And let’s be honest about it – trying to make a ton of money out of it may not work, so lower your expectations, put up affordable prices, and give, give, give away! I can’t tell you how grateful I am so grateful to some friends who have given us hand-me-downs we used for years for our children, and then passed onto few more. The same goes for tons of plates, spoons, knives and even pots we got either at low cost or for free from friends who moved. Some we have been using for over 10 years. And there is ALWAYS charity. If you have so much, there is always someone who would really benefit of you giving them things you don’t need but they do.

Tip 7

If you are in a country where things are hardly affordable or vice-versa – super cheap – it is not a reason to clutter your house. If you travel home from time to time, it is a good opportunity to get your supplies from there or from the place you live in now. Bring into the country the things you truly can’t do without, such as, specific meds, or some cultural items you may not easily find in your new country. I have seen so many people leaving behind so much as they were not able to take it with them when they had to move.

Once you declutter, you will suddenly see how big your house actually is!

Care to share your decluttering tips?