Creative World Of Varya

Parenting, Life in China, Education, Spirituality

About Me

This blog is about creative development of children. I was inspired by my extended experience and by taking on a role of a mother. I also write about parenting, early childhood development, pregnancy, virtues and more!

So… who are we?

Me (Varya): I am a mother of 2 beautiful girls, an ESL teacher, a Montessori teacher and a dance teacher. I enjoy music and singing. I grew up on Classical music and fairy tales. One of my strong desires is for the younger generation to keep developing their talents and abilities not only through the means of technical progress (TV, computers and so on) but through the traditional art and crafts.

I trained with Baby’s First Massage and Oh Baby! Fitness

I am a Baha’i and the world for me is but one country.

My husband (also known as The Hub): he is an ESL teacher, a computer engineer, a wonderful husband and dad with lots of energy and creative ideas. He teacher English in a kindergarten and his favorite age group is 2 to 6 years old. He also works with primary level students (6 to 12). 

Miss T: Our spirited, creative and fun 4 year old (born 2008). She constantly amazes and challenges me both as an educator and a mother. We love her to bits. She loves dancing, singing, painting, drawing and crafting. 

Miss A: Our peaceful Noble Light (born 2012). She is completely opposite to her sister temper wise but not less curious or creative (for an infant). She already loves reading and she can spend long time engaging herself in toys or books exploration.

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  1. Sarmad

    My gorgeous, talented wife. 🙂

  2. Cordelia Newlin de Rojas

    Hiya, just wanted to say lovely blog! And would it be cheeky of me to ask you to point me towards any particular posts you might have about helping un-block toddlers to paint? Not sure what sort of guidelines to give or not. My little one sometimes is very free and other times gets extremely frustrated that she can’t make things look the way she wants.

    I wish you had a like button, I’d be liking posts all over the place on your site by the way 😉

    1. Varya

      Thank you so much, Cordelia! I can say the same about your blog as I enjoy reading your posts!
      Since I haven’t been posting much, I only have 2 major posts dedicated to this subject Abstract Painting ( and Four Things to Remember when Raising a Little Artist (
      Frustration about perfection is a part of growing up. In her case she is probably trying to express through painting/drawing what she can’t express verbally. It also helps children unwind and if she is overly frustrated about not being able to do it “right”, she might be undergoing some emotional turmoil of her own. I should really write more on this subject as I have some really great observations and discoveries based on the painting/drawing process I watched and how children react to that. If you see the things are heating up, offer her a choice to stop and switch the activity. If she is not ready to do that or gets more frustrated, offer to help her. My daughter used to do that and I would just offer to finish up for her and later she would just ask me to help her if she was getting at the stage where she felt she couldn’t do it or simply ran out of patience 🙂
      Try different approaches and see what works for you – all children are different, after all!
      Thank you again for stopping by! Let me know how it goes!

  3. Parvina

    Dear Varya,

    I just love your blog. You are doing such a wonderful job and most of all you enjoying it.
    I wish you to prosper and keep up the good job.
    You are a lovely parents I’ve witnesssed myself.
    Love you both very dearly!

    1. Varya

      Awwww, you are so kind, my dear Parvina. Thank you. Much love to you all!

  4. Yuliya

    Go Varya Go!!!! your creativity has no boundries 😉

  5. Alex

    Great. I hav just added your button to my search website.
    -Alex and Emma

  6. Ilona

    I recently discovered your blog and am really enjoying it. I’m a mother and an early childhood educator and am always looking for new and creative ideas.
    I came across your blog as I was researching Zhuhai. My family and I will be moving there this summer for my husbands work and I’ve been trying to prepare myself for life abroad with a toddler. Do you have any tips or advice for life with children in Zhuhai? I really enjoyed the piece about your neighbourhood. The playground looks really nice.

    1. Varya

      Hi Ilona! thank you for stopping by and exploring my blog! I emailed you in regard of your questions.

  7. Amanda Roberts


    My name is Amanda Roberts and I am the author of the blog Two Americans in China. I found your blog and contact information through Expats Blog. I am the author of Crazy Dumplings, a fun food fusion cookbook that was funded through Kickstarter. My dream, though, is to write a cookbook written specifically for expats about how to cook foods and dishes from their home country in their new adopted country using ingredients that can be found locally. However, I know my experience in China isn’t the same as everyone else’s, so I thought it would be a good idea to reach out to other China expat bloggers and ask about their experiences. I would love to hear about your experiences cooking abroad. Please click the following link to take my survey. (Works best if using Google Chrome.) I will include a link to the blog of everyone who responds and helps me out in the book.

    Thank you so much for your assistance, and I look forward to hearing from you!

  8. Ezzy T

    My Awesome friend you Rock so does your kids and husband I am very admirative of your family so happy you are part of my life <3 <3

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