I am back with Creative Tuesday Series!


Painting together1

Today I want to talk about painting together with your child. In fact, doing all sorts of activities together with your child.

Miss T loves drawing and painting. Now that she is almost 5 she can draw, color and paint on her own which is a great opportunity for mama to do some chores and attend to miss A’s needs.  However, we still like to get together and do some painting. It is usually spontaneous and requires no preparation: we just grab paper, water, paints and start creating!

Painting together

What does painting together give us? It gives us a chance to bond. We review colors, shapes, name objects. We also let our creativity flow. We chatter about things that we want to paint or want to do together. All in all, painting together for us is a chance to have that needed mother-daughter time. Being a home-stay mom who takes care of 2 children, I rarely get a chance to do something with miss T alone, just the two of us. So we spend quality time during our painting sessions and let our creativity burst out in all its colors.

How do you spend quality time with your child/children?