This year I am taking time to collaborate with more projects that are in tune with my blog’s themes.
This month I am participating in two series. One of them is Painting Challenge: Fun Painting Techniques organized by Messy Little Monster.
I chose to work with Salt Painting Techniques. It is a very fun way of painting and it offers a unique sensory experience.
Supplies needed:
Construction paper
Water paints
Liquid glue (we made a homemade glue)
Stick glue
Colourful chalk

Since we will need colourful salt one way to dye it is to rub pieces of chalk against it. This way your salt will be dry and keep longer. The salt we used has been kept in an airtight jar for over 2 years!
Technique 1:
It is done with stick glue and salt. You can read more about it in one of my previous posts.
Technique 2:
Using liquid glue, make splashes on the paper. Generously apply Colored salt. Fold the paper into half, wait few seconds gently pressing on the surface. Now open for the result!
Technique 3:
Apply liquid glue on the paper. Sprinkle white salt over. Now, take the water paints and drip over the salt. The paint will spread on the salt and glue creating
Please check all previous posts on painting techniques!
This looks fun!
Thank you!
painting eXperiments {A to Z Raining Day Activities}
[…] – explore with salt painting […]
I’ve never done salt painting – that looks like fun!
Me neither, and this was our second (not last) time painting with salt!