I am very happy to introduce new series: Virtue Wednesday. As Baha’is, we believe that everyone is born into this world with talents, capabilities and virtues that need to be sought out, nourished and nurtured. I have already written about Virtues and how to teach Virtues in the classroom setting.
I also like to recommend Enable Me To Grow – a website dedicated to the moral and spiritual education within a family. They have an amazing program called Radiant Hearts that offers 20 Virtues lessons for each Baha’i Month + 1 for Ayyam-i-Ha.
In my series I will be writing about personal experiences with teaching various virtues to my children and hope to have blogger friends sharing theirs. So if you are a fellow kid blogger and would like to contribute to Virtue Wednesday series, welcome to e-mail me to xiao.artists@gmail.com !
The steps for contribution are very simple:
1. Write a post on a virtue teaching to children based on personal experience (it can be in your home, in your classroom, in a playgroup etc). Add a few words about yourself (your name and your interests) and your blog and your blog address.
2. Use at least 1 picture in your post – it is easier to pin and promote on Sulia and Facebook!
3. Grab the button!
4. Promote your post on Social engines (FB, Twitter, Sulia, Stumble Upon, Pinterest and others).
Besides that, welcome to comment and share your experience in the comments. If you don’t have a blog but have some experience to share – welcome to just email me your information and I will post your experience crediting to your name!
<div align="center"><a href="http://littleartists.blog.com" title="Little Artists"><img src="http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e42/cheeksy/virtuewednesday.jpg" alt="Little Artists" style="border:none;" /></a></div>