If you didn’t know before, I’ll tell you now – we are a very musical family. We love singing, we love composing music, and we love playing instrument. Some time ago I put on music a Baha’i Healing Prayer and it took me literally years to record it and share online.

In fact, I revived a whole channel just for the sake of collecting all our pieces – Waiguomama’s World. Since we live in China I thought naming the channel with a big of a touch of a language we speak would be wonderful. Waiguo in Chinese means Foreign. Mama – Mother. So, in other words –  Foreign mama’s world.

I feel we need a lot of healing. Our world is in turmoil and we need as much spiritual help as we can find. And it really doesn’t matter what religious teaching you follow. We have to realize that it shouldn’t be yet another reason to divide us. But rather we should be united and become even stronger and more powerful.

I don’t know if you believe in God or not. It doesn’t really matter. I am sure you believe in Something or Someone. But I still want to share this Healing Prayer with you and hope that it can help you and people around you heal.

As a gift to you, I am also sharing a list of cords along with the prayer in both Russian and English. Thanks to Waiguobaba who took time and typed it out. You are welcome to learn it and share it. Click here you get the list.