Welcome to Creative Tuesday! On Tuesdays I will be trying my best to post some simple craft activities for you to make with your children/students.
Today’s Creative Tuesday is dedicated to learning more than craft. I try to implement my crafting skills in my ESL classes. So I make various activities for children from “scratch”.
I would like to show you today how to review the alphabet with the children. It is a simple a fun way to do it!
What you need:
Squares or circles of alphabet letters (upper and lower cases)
A line from either crafting ribbon or a thread, tied to 2 chairs
Enough clothes pegs
How to do it:
1. Put upper cases of letters in one pile and lower cases into another. Put the pegs in the middle.
2. Call a letter and invite the child to find the upper case and the lower case of it (we call them “big” and “little”; sometimes – “mommy” and “baby”).
3. Once they found the matches, invite them to peg the letters up to the line. Continue until you run out of letters. Repeat this activity if necessary.
For younger children you can make 2 sets of upper cases (when they are interested in the alphabet and are still learning the letters).
Hope you enjoyed this activity! How do you review the alphabet at home?