april goalsI am a bit late with posting my April goals.

For those of you who don’t know it yet, I am taking part in a great 10 week fitness challenge that requires me to eat clean and exercise. It has been going well so far and I was able to control my portions, and eat plenty of nutrients that help me not only lose weight, but feel energetic, too.

So, what are my goals for this month?


– educate myself more on various topics of interest (parenting, moral education for kids, some science);

– hopefully start learning more about photography (yes, this is for my mind as I would have to learn about the light, the focus etc);

– get back to my doula studies as to be honest I am a bit behind!


– continue to eat clean and make it a habit;

– continue regular exercise


– work on managing to have my posts all scheduled on time;

– work on time management in general, because, you know, you can’t just juggle it all at the same time.

What are your goals for April?