It is ironic how I fought to be put in French learning group at school, then went to a University insisting on majoring in French, just to end up finally speaking more English and being mostly an English teacher. I always feel a wave of warmth whenever I speak with French speakers or read something French.

Hence I am very pleased to introduce Eolia from La Cité des Vents, a fellow MKB blogger, with a simple but engaging game for preschoolers: differences and similarities.

P1000308 - CopieEolia is a french expat near Frankfurt (Germany) for 10 months now. She likes to explore her new living area, raise her two young children and share her thoughts and discoveries in her blog La Cité des Vents.
You can follow Eolia on her FB page, Twitter, Pinterest and G+.

The toys are having a picnic! Look closely at the two pictures and answer the questions.


1 / Find the SEVEN differences in these two pictures.

2 / Complete the following table with the elements you see on the both pictures:

Object Quantity: picture on the left Quantity: picture on the right



1/ not in the same place: garlic, blue duck, green paprika; switched: red and green cups, carrots; added orange bowl; without a red wooden cube.

2/ Picture on the left: red 5, yellow 6, green 9 (8 + ananas leaves), blue 8, orange 3, purple 1, white 3, pink 4, animals 11, crockery (11 + pan).

Picture on the right: red 4, yellow 6, green 9, blue 8, orange 4, purple 1, white 3, pink 4, animals 11, crockery (12 + pan).



La Cité des Vents